Megalopolis Square Trading

MegalopolisPH is the importer of Prince Lubricants motor oil products in the Philippines. Do feel pressure free with our advantageous solutions, strategies and terms made possible for you, you may be rewarded a sole-distributorship in your city, communicate with us, everything is possible.

  • Mission and Vision

    MegalopolisPH brings performance improvements to autmotive lubricant industry by applying its extensive knowledge, by anticipating every arduous operation. Apprehending every form of exertion, MegalopolisPH provides products that balance the quest for performance and productivity with respect for users and the environment.  It is both an art and science by which these experts proceed, step by step, inch by inch. 

    Megalopolis Square Trading
    For Product Inquiry

    Tel: +075 522-6737
    Phone: +63 917-522-2100
    Fax: +675 522-6737